When the back hurts

Back pain — one of the most common reasons for doctor visits worldwide. According to various sources, with this symptom at least once in the life faced from 90% to 100% of adult people. Back problems are in the list of leading reasons care at the hospital.

Back pain is very different. Sometimes it is just a result of fatigue or stretching of the muscles, and sometimes signals a serious disease. Feelings of pain can occur between the shoulder blades, lower back, from the side, from the spine, to give a hand, a foot. Often lead to disturbances of the movements of the spinal rod. For some people "pulling", the other "tunic", the third in the back "shoots". The important thing is to timely find and eliminate the cause, otherwise time symptom can amplify enough to turn the person into a person with disabilities.

In what diseases arise back pain?

pain in the back

Most often back pain occur in acute, that is, give up no longer than three months. Less frequently occur more long-lasting, chronic pain.

The most obvious reason — the high physical load in a group of untrained people. Had to lift the wardrobe to the fourth floor in the house, where there is no lift and as a result, the next day your back starts to "whine".

Often my back starts to hurt after the injury. Most often it's just bruised, but sometimes they happen much more serious damage to the spine: subluxation of vertebrae, compression fractures. The correct diagnosis helps to establish the radiography,computed tomography.

It is believed that a frequent reason for back pain — myofascial painful. In the muscles of the back arise from the sections of the tension — the so-called trigger point. They become a source of painful feelings.

The most popular diagnosis for back pain — degenerative disc disease. But many modern doctors that causes problems. It is believed that osteochondrosis arises as a result of degenerative changes in the spine. But such changes are virtually in all people after the 40-ka years, but my back hurts not at all.

If degenerative changes occur in the betweenspinální disk, its outer thick portion is stretched and is destroyed, and the internal soft start bulging outside of the vertebrae, squeezing the nerve roots and spinal cord, leading to headache. Such a condition called intervertebral hernia.

Bad posture and scoliosis can lead to headaches.

Osteoporosis — a fairly common problem for women in the post-menopausal period. Bone tissue is destroyed, it loses density, including the vertebrae. A rare cause of painful sensations in the back — malignant tumors, which are squeezing the spinal cord and nerves.

Who appear the most pain in the back?

There are some risk factors — if they are present in your life, you are, sooner or later, more likely to pain rotation and problems with the spine:

  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • overweight;
  • flat feet;
  • excessive physical load;
  • common stress — causing chronic muscle tension.

Often pain in the lower back pain arise or worsen during pregnancy.

In what cases is the need to see a doctor?

If your back hurts severely and long, in any case, it is necessary to visit a doctor-neurologist. But some alarming symptoms of "screaming" about it, that visit to the doctor is necessary:

• severe pain after the injury;
• back pain in combination with increased body temperature;
• incontinence of stool and urine;
• severe pain that gives to the hands, feet, accompanied by numbness, tingling and other unpleasant sensations;
• severe pain that bothers always, not always passes, even in the time of rest.

How to diagnose the cause of pain in the back?


In most cases, the doctor-the neurologist can give a name to the cause of the pain after the examination, without further survey. If there is a reason why it is necessary to clarify, to resort to the help of^

  • x-ray,
  • computed tomography,
  • magnetic resonance imaging,
  • electroneuromyography (registration of electrical impulses in the nerves and the muscles using special electrodes),
  • sometimes they are necessary blood tests.

One of the easiest and fastest the study, which helps to assess the condition of the spinal column and to detect pathology — radiography. Usually the images are doing in two planes — full face and profile. Depict how usually 4-6 adjacent vertebrae, in which supposedly originated pathology.

An x-ray of the spine-helps to identify violations from the side of the vertebrae (of their bodies, arches and processes), the intervertebral discs and joints, injury (fractures, subluxation of the vertebrae), congenital anomalies, osteophytes (outgrowths of bone tissue), osteoporosis and other changes.

How to treat pain in the back?

In most cases of back pain are not caused by serious disease. With the unpleasant symptom can be to master for help:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics.
  • Massage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Many people helps manual therapy.
  • With some chronic back pain successfully tackling anti-depressants.

Most often diseases that lead to headaches in the back, quite beyond the drug treatment. To operations be resorted to only rarely. Naturally, in a number of diseases, the longer put off a visit to the doctor and start treatment, the stronger they grow changes in the spine, respectively, to grow and a chance to be on the table in the operating.